A Collection of Tiny Spring Poems

A collection of tiny poems I wrote to participate in the “tiny spring poem” challenge facilitated by Beth Kempton.


the possibility sits above reach,

trading places with uncertainty and apprehension,

waiting for the symphony’s first note,

the warmup still amorphous.

the unpredictability of clouds and glare

can distract from the truth of dreamy pursuits

yet the unchanging, steady witness

within is with you always

Malumir R. Logan


she’s completely immersed

in the experience of creation

the small Lego pieces form a city

a glance across the room

reveals stacks of craft–

paintings, drawings, improvised pieces

though nearly four decades

appear to separate us

I’m reunited with this powerful soul

Malumir R. Logan


A summer of first freedoms

Finally safe

Space to exist

To breathe

To be

A new life made possible

By frontline work

Finding my skills


And dreams

I’ll always hold gratitude

For that first job

Fulltime though cheap

But rich

In life

Malumir R. Logan

Ages 7 and 39

A light breeze whipping through long, dark waves

Warm sun making olive arms smell baked

Looking up at fluffy, white clouds

Wondering what is beyond and around

Back to the moment with a heavy heart

Yet having no doubts about a future of mirth

Malumir R. Logan


It’s easy to take note of each puzzle piece

The single metre around us in every direction

And then to assume those pieces are all there is

Repeated infinitely in every direction

If all the pieces were as relegated as those few

We would not have a puzzle in any direction

Notice the pieces beyond your immediate reach

And there may be hope the world across all directions

Malumir R. Logan


Sometimes I think

That if everyone

Traveled deep

Within themselves

And land of spirit

The fear of death

And the unknown

Would retreat

Malumir R. Logan


Cozy and safe

Comfort and ease

Layer on layer of blankets and compassion

What can I offer

As a genuine gesture

To bring that same solace to those I encounter?

Small sums add up

Unmade choices really made

May care and empathy multiply with abundance

Malumir R. Logan


Laughing together by a seashore I don’t recognize

Meditating together on a cone karst mountaintop

I feel at home and loved

Sharing a strong beverage I’ve never tasted

Lounging below a heavy-leafed tree at noon

I visit you in my mind’s eye

Sitting under a blanket while the world spins

Lying flat, stomach heaving while my world shakes

I am grateful you’re listening if unseen

Malumir R. Logan


May utility not be your gold standard

For existing

For perceiving value

While embracing the useful and the worthwhile

For growing

For developing

Together in community expanding

Malumir R. Logan

Content warning: reference to a spider and spider web


Spider weaves glistening silk

Spanning branches in quiet woods

Under streams of moonlight

Malumir R. Logan


Sacred chamber soars

Verdant slender curtains sway

Myriad rustling

Malumir R. Logan

Less of a poem, and moreso heartfelt advice.


Do not wait until after

…until you have reached the peak

…or once the milestone has been passed

Take joy in the spaces of now…

Pursue the life of each moment…

So you may be happy ever journeying

Malumir R. Logan






A place to safely exist





Undelivered belonging

Where joy and harmony meet is the signal

You have found something of value

Where fear and “shoulds” of others’ stories

Show you where reflection brings freedom

Malumir R. Logan


Stripes along the tail,

Leading to the dark tip

That looks as if he dipped into the midnight sky

The white chin and mouth

Leading to a honey chest

That looks as if he glanced Jupiter on his way to my heart

The M on his forehead

Leading to his eyes

Where our souls met with perception and belonging

Even though his body faded

In its mortal constraints,

I’d recognize him anywhere

Which is how I know he’s here

Malumir R. Logan

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