Chiron – Whose Wounds were a Catalyst for Greatness

If you haven’t heard the story of Chiron the “wounded healer”, Chiron was a centaur who was wounded unintentionally, but left to die alone.

This wound caused Chiron terrible suffering, but he did not die.

Through that suffering, Chiron persisted, and became known as a legendary healer who brought hope, healing and teachings to others. Although devastatingly wounded, Chiron turned that suffering into something beautiful for himself and for others.

Healing energy incoming!

There is an asteroid named after Chiron that goes retrograde today until December. These coming months offer opportunity for immense healing.

As you know, I absolutely love to support your self-healing and empowerment journey, so I have created a Tarot spread that doubles as journaling prompts.

I created this with the intention that you can use Tarot or ANY other cards you may have, and even if you DON’T have cards, you can still use these as journaling prompts. I do suggest still journaling even if you do have cards to make this more powerful for you.

Please share this with others who would enjoy it! And tag me on social media if you use the spread (or even just journaling!) – I love seeing these in action!

Chiron Retrograde 2020 Tarot Spread + Journaling created by Malumir R. Logan of Acorn + Burdock

The Questions

Here are the questions, typed out if easier for you to read:

  • 1) WOUND: The wound that is the catalyst of my greatest strengths
  • 2) EFFORT: What I can do to take the healing of that wound to a new level
  • 3) GIFT: The gift waiting for me on the other side of that effort

Enjoy this, as the energy flows in to support your highest healing. You can browse more content like this here. And you can read more content about self-healing here.

Blessings and empowerment to you.

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