Creating the Life You Want is like that Lizzo Song

(or that one by Bach, or Billie Eilish, or Bob Dylan, or Screamin’ Jay Hawkins)

Remember that time you first heard that song that just GOT to you and everything in you was like, “YES!!!”?

That moment was what it’s like when you find a personal, spiritual, emotional and mental practice that is right for you, at that point in time.

I’ve done dreamwork as part of my daily spiritual practices for a couple of years, and lately decided to enhance my practice by taking a Holly Emerson course on working with dreams.

As someone who has a longterm, committed relationship with the Tarot, I have begun to incorporate Tarot into my dreamwork. 

There are so many beautiful and creative ways to practice intuition, spirituality, emotional resilience, and resourcefulness. 

Finding the practices that work for you, that really resonate for you, is just like discovering music that resonates with you.

That song that reigned over your summer may fade to the background as a new anthem emerges for you. And then there are those old favourites that NEVER change in the effect they have for you.

Spiritual practices are just like that

Whether prayer, meditation, cartomancy, divination, journaling, art, volunteering, dreamwork, high magick, energy work, gratitude, affirmations, mediumship, moon ritual, any ritual – it’s ALL an extension of your energy and spiritual self.

Malumir Logan, Acorn + Burdock

There will be some practices that make up the backbone of your daily life. And there will be others that you work with for a time before shifting to others that you need.

Just like those songs.

So explore, play, find the songs and practices that make up your consistent ways, and those that support specific goals.

You can.

Check out some ideas I’ve written about in these posts for ideas:

And if you’re looking for some help to feel better during this crisis, check out these options:

Blessings and empowerment to you 

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