Good Tarot Cards Vs Bad Tarot Cards?

Have you ever done a Tarot reading where a card didn’t seem to make sense for the question you’d asked or for its position in the spread? One of the key reasons that kind of confusion can happen? By thinking that there are “good cards” vs “bad cards” in Tarot.

Now if you’ve read the cards for years and you read them in a way that includes clear “good” and “bad” cards, I respect that. There are many ways of learning to read Tarot cards and people read the cards in different ways.

But if you’re starting out or tired of getting confused during readings, here’s what I suggest.

Think of each card as a storybook

Each card is a storybook. That story has uplifting, challenging and neutral parts of the plot and perspectives of what’s happening in the story, all around a specific theme. But just because it has a theme doesn’t make it a simple or one-sided story!

We all know from life that people can have slightly (or VERY) different perspectives on the exact same situation. That’s because each person has a different viewpoint, history, and lived experience.

Tarot is exactly the same.

That’s what makes Tarot so amazing. The whole deck tells a story, as does each card.

If your deck comes with a guidebook or keyword reference card, take a look at that to see if one of the phrases or words stands out to you. It means something if it does! Even if that phrase or word isn’t one you would expect, sit with it and let it roll around in your mind. You’ll surprise yourself that you’ll suddenly realize what it’s telling you!

If your deck doesn’t have a guidebook or reference card, consider reading a book on numerology or other Tarot correspondences (instead of googling card meanings which will likely just get confusing).

Don’t worry though, the Chakra Healing Tarot comes with a 200-page guidebook that will guide you every step of the way so that you will be able to read for yourself, even if you’re a complete beginner!

If you’ve heard that Tarot is evil, you can find a two-part blog post I wrote here: Part 1 and Part 2. You can also find lots more Tarot content on the blog over here.

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