Update: March 15, 2019: This free 5-day challenge is now complete. You can read below for more about how we journeyed together.
Starting on Monday (March 11th) at 7:30pm EST, I will be hosting the Personal Alchemy Challenge. It’s a free 5-day challenge to align your energy and time with what you really want in life.
- When you take part in this challenge, you will begin a transformational 5-day journey that combines conscious tools with spiritual practice.
- You’ll get a new workbook each day and a guided meditation over live video each night.
- You will benefit from the spiritual support of distance Reiki and tarot if you choose.
- The use of NLP throughout the guided meditations powerfully supports you to tap into your inherent strengths, skills and resources.
You’ve probably seen I’ve been updating my site with a new four-month coaching program. Although that intensive program works broadly across your life, sometimes we just have a smaller, near-term goal.
As you know from following my blog, I firmly believe in offering practical value that people can use in their everyday lives. I wanted to create a way for you to work on a more specific goal in a focused way.
That’s why I created this challenge. To help you pull together your resources in a way that aligns with something that’s important to you in the next little while.
I’m just so excited to travel this stretch of the journey with you, and I hope you’ll join me for this 5-day challenge!
You must reserve a FREE spot to join.
If you can’t attend the live videos, I will send you the replay, but you MUST sign up.
Questions? Message me on Instagram or contact me!