Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio: A Tarot Spread And Journaling

Today I share a Tarot spread for this February 2022 Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio.

Lots of us set deliberate, conscious intentions. Which is great! But let’s not forget that we ALL set unconscious intentions, and these can help or hinder our goals.

So, I have created this Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio Tarot spread to help you to discover the unconscious intention you set without realizing it, and to look at how it’s affecting you now. The energy is perfect for this reflection!

How to use this spread

You can use this as a spread with whatever cards or other tools you have, or you can use these as journaling prompts, even if you don’t use any tools for intuition or divination.

If you happen to have Chakra Healing Tarot, you’ll get extra insights from the spread on where you may be experiencing these unconscious intentions, or how your inner wisdom may have already been trying to get your attention through your body. The guidebook that comes with the deck will help you with that.

But you can use any deck you like to work with! And I always recommend doing a bit of journaling regardless, though. You’ll get so much more out of it – you’ll surprise yourself! If you’re not sure where to start with journaling, you can check out this post I wrote on how to do freewriting.

The spread

Feel free to share the spread, and remember to give me credit as the creatrix who has put my time, effort and heart into it.

Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio Tarot Spread by

The questions, typed out:

  1. The UNCONSCIOUS intention I set at the start of the month.
  2. How this unconscious intention is being fulfilled in my life now.
  3. How this helps bring about my CONSCIOUS intentions.

I hope this is illuminating for you! If you loved this post, you can find more posts like it over here. And if you like Tarot, check out the beautiful, colourful Tarot deck I created last year!

Blessings and empowerment to you.

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