Lightworkers Wade into the Shadows too

Recently I saw someone declare on social media that she is not a “love and light b*tch.” and that it’s not enough to be positive all the time, and that you need to be real.

Oh boy. 

First things first: What’s a lightworker?

You may hear the term “lightworker” or “lighthealer” used frequently in spiritual circles. 

The term generally refers to spiritual workers (like me!) who do energetic work for the purposes of healing and guiding you to support your highest wellbeing.

  • For example, “love and light” is what we Reiki Masters (and all Reiki practitioners) use in our sessions. Light means perfectly healed information in Reiki practice.
  • The idea is that lightworkers direct and channel universal love, healed information, and healing energy for the purpose of supporting their clients.

As for the person who isn’t a “love and light b*tch.”…I suspect that person’s declaration had a branding/setting-yourself-apart objective.

It’s also possible that the people she’s referring to aren’t actually lightworkers, and they’re just all using terminology from the spiritual community without personal familiarity with what it means.

What do trained/experienced lightworkers do?

Believe me when I say that ANY spiritual worker who has given ANY sessions to ANY clients EVER is intimately aware that healers can’t just pretend everything is love and light or ignore that people have hardship.


Because hardship is why people come to spiritual workers.

Supporting, guiding, and coaching people through all the hardships and heartbreaks you can imagine is what I do in every. single. session. whether Reiki, coaching, Tarot readings. 

And it’s what every high quality spiritual worker does every single time. Often, spiritual workers have come through serious hardship themselves.

Spiritual workers are ankle-deep in others’ authentic experiences

People come to us because they’re hurting. When they’re confused, scared, or have been traumatized. They want things to be better than they are.

When you’re feeling like you’re caught in a torrential downpour that’s turning into a lake rising above your ankles – that’s where you can call on a high quality spiritual worker who will wade in to support and advise you, because we’re not afraid of the dark.

Malumir R. Logan, Acorn + Burdock

We can’t necessarily make the rain stop or the waters recede

And we know it’s not actually our place to do that.

What we WILL do is provide a bit of cover over your head so you can get some space to think clearly.

We will hold up a lamp to show you the way to the clearer skies.

And we can help you remember how powerful you actually are, and how far you’ve already come.

That’s what I do as spiritual worker

As a Reiki Master, Tarot reader, NLP Master Practitioner and resilience coach. I meet you where you’re at spiritually, mentally and emotionally and help you figure out how to navigate to the clearer skies and beautiful pastures.

There are MYRIAD modalities of spiritual work, and different modalities will resonate with you at different times.

I am:

  • A certified Reiki Master (and registered as such with the Canadian Reiki Association).
  • An experienced Tarot reader who gives choice-based, empowering channeled readings.
  • An NLP Master Practitioner who is trained in using communication in a way to help you connect with your OWN power and resilience that you may simply have forgotten is there.

Find out how to get a Reiki energy treatment from me here (including during the pandemic).

If you need some guidance or advice, you may prefer a Tarot reading and coaching.

Some folks prefer to do things themselves with a bit of guidance. If that’s you, you can download a workbook on being Resilient AF here.

You can learn more about my investments and training here. I look forward to helping you feel better, feel more like yourself, and be ever more powerful.

Blessings and empowerment to you.

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