Love (Cycle) Healing Spread

A Valentine’s Tarot spread for you, but a super empowering one – no matter what your situation.

Let’s face it. Many of the issues that cause us the most angst in our interactions with those closest to us (or an absence of said people) are cyclical. They’re patterns.

Like always ending up alone. Or repeatedly ending up with narcissists in friendships or romantic relationships. Or just never putting ourselves out there for friendships or relationships. You get the picture.

Why do these things happen repeatedly or without change? Because they’re cycles! These patterns often run in our unconscious selves, and there is usually a reason they began, but often are no longer achieving the outcomes we want.

Yes, this topic is deeply personal and you should absolutely pursue working with professional services that can help you process through past traumas that may be unconsciously affecting you in these areas.

BUT sometimes it helps to have a starting point. Even the most seemingly small aha moments – when things suddenly crystallize for you – can have big positive impact on your life.

So all of this is to say that I have created this spread for you. You can use Tarot cards, or any other cards or divination/reflection tools you enjoy. You can even use these as journaling prompts if you don’t have any tools to use.

The spread

Love (Cycle) Healing Spread created by
Love (Cycle) Healing Spread created by

I hope this helps you, and illuminates a specific action you can take to heal whatever cycle is no longer serving your relationships or friendships.

You can find more awesome content like this over here. If you love Tarot, check out the Tarot deck I created over here!

Please share this post, and tag me on Instagram or Facebook if you use the spread!! It always brings me so much joy to see the spreads I create helping people.

Blessings, healing and empowerment to you lovelies.


Malumir R. Logan

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