The tenth in a fifteen-part short series, Meet the Writer. These posts were originally written as part of a #meetthewriter challenge facilitated by author Beth Kempton.
This morning’s question about championship as part of this challenge by gave me quite a moment of pause.
What an important question.
I think that my biggest champion for my creative endeavours is yet to come. That’s how it feels, intuitively.
In the meantime, what I am immensely grateful for is the support, encouragement and enthusiasm that many of you lovely folks and the caring people in my life have offered to me.
Whether you’ve been a newsletter subscriber to, or you’ve shopped Chakra Healing Tarot or Cat Aura Tarot decks or you’ve taken the time to read and engage with the pieces I’ve written on the blog.
Thank you. Thank you for your kindness and curiosity in interacting with the things I’ve created. I hope each of you know how much it means to know that I’m not just creating into a void.
Grateful for you folks.
You can read more posts on writing craft here.