It’s February, which many think of as either a month for love and lovers, or as a painful month. So here is a series of brief blog posts that rethink relationships, and offer you the opportunity to think about reclaiming how you think about relationships. Today we talk about the 4 of Wands and marriage.
Whether you love February or dislike it, let’s look at some archetypes of love and think about them in empowering ways.
4 of Wands
The Waite-Smith Tarot 4 of Wands depicts two female-expressing people who appear to be working together in an outdoor space; often, this card is associated with marriage or the idea of a happy home.
In Chakra Healing Tarot, I reframed a few of the cards to be empowering for you in different ways. With the 4 of Wands, Chakra Healing Tarot depicts one individual who is leaping into the air in a sacred cave. This person is filled with heartfelt alignment, energy and joy.
There are still ways of picking up on the concepts held within the Waite-Smith. But the 4 of Wands also invites you to ask whether happiness truly comes from outside of yourself, or whether your finding joy within yourself bursts externally from within you.
Deck is Chakra Healing Tarot (available now). Card is 4 of Wands. Chakra correspondence is Heart chakra (green).
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Blessings and empowerment to you.