Swimming in the Deep

In your power. What does that mean, anyway? 

We likely all agree that an empowered state of being is a good thing. At least it can be a good thing. 

Gaining personal control of your life outcomes and having greater authority is fantastic. If that power is coming from a positive place, if it’s being directed in a constructive way.

But what if it’s not? We all know what it looks like when a person or organization with unloving motives has power over others, in any capacity. 

It’s likely that we’ve also seen the destruction caused by too much control internally, too. A vice grip on anyone or anything – even if it’s on ourselves – doesn’t allow for life, creativity or new experiences. 

A vice grip on anyone or anything – even if it’s on ourselves – doesn’t allow for life, creativity or new experiences. 

Acorn + Burdock

When this blog talks about empowerment and being in your power, it talks about healed power in love and making deliberate choices. In how you carve out your experiences to create the life you want to live. Power in a holistic and healthy form.

Swimming in the Deep

If the process of becoming more present with our highest selves was a comfortable or easy process, we would all already be powerful.

I wouldn’t be writing any of this content, and it wouldn’t resonate with anyone. 

And yet I regularly receive feedback from people that the content I post here has been helping. 

That it’s been making a positive difference as people figure out how to navigate the choppy waters encountered on any healing journey. 

Because you’re the folks who are ready to brave those deep places. You have the courage that only shows up when there’s something worth feeling courageous toward. 

To support your courage and help you remind yourself of the deep well of resources you already have, I’ve created an art-based journaling exercise for you.

Art-based Journaling Exercise

This journaling exercise is a bit different. It combines two images with some questions for you.

Think of it like a trip to an art gallery, with personally empowering benefits!

These are images from the Golden Universal Tarot deck.


The first card is all about the knowledge and resources you already have within (but perhaps haven’t yet recognized).

The second card is about external authority over your domain.

For those with vision loss, I have included alt text, and those same descriptions are also included below.

Just grab your journal/journaling app, look at the photos and the questions will guide you. 

Jump in

First card: High Priestess card. A young woman sits solemnly on a throne. A crescent moon is at her feet. She wears an elaborate headdress with a moon/horn shaped adornment. She wears long robes and a cloak. She sits between two columns; the one on the left is dark and marked with the letter 'B'. The other one is light and marked with the letter 'J'. In her hands she holds a mysterious, rolled up scroll partially covered by her robes. Behind her hangs a beautiful veil with a pattern of pomegranates all over it.
Second card: Emperor card. A mature man wearing royal clothes and a crown sits commandingly on an elevated throne. He wears ceremonial armour under his gown. He holds a golden sceptre in the shape of an ankh in his right hand, and a golden sphere in his left hand. There are rams' heads carved into the stone armrests of the throne. The throne is located in a rugged outdoor space with rocky mountains in the background.
Art-based journaling exercise with the High Priestess and Emperor cards from the Golden Universal Tarot.

Step 1: Visualize you’re IN the first piece of art

Look closely at the photo of the High Priestess picture. The description is also included below.

High Priestess card: A young woman sits solemnly on a throne. A crescent moon is at her feet. She wears an elaborate headdress with a moon/horn shaped adornment. She wears long robes and a cloak. She sits between two columns; the one on the left is dark and marked with the letter 'B'. The other one is light and marked with the letter 'J'. In her hands she holds a mysterious, rolled up scroll partially covered by her robes. Behind her hangs a beautiful veil with a pattern of pomegranates all over it.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you are the one wearing the robes and sitting on the throne.

If you’re not sure how to do that, just pretend that you’re a high priestess sitting in a sacred place. 

Step 2: Journal what you noticed

Open your journal and jot down your immediate, instinctive responses to these questions. There are no right or wrong answers, just write down what pops into your mind.

  • What do you notice as you imagine being a high priestess? 
  • How does it feel to be a high priestess? 
  • What kinds of resources and thoughts do you have as a high priestess?

Step 3: Visualize you’re in the second piece of art

Look closely at the photo of the Emperor picture. The description is also included below.

Emperor card: A mature man wearing royal clothes and a crown sits commandingly on an elevated throne. He wears ceremonial armour under his gown. He holds a golden sceptre in the shape of an ankh in his right hand, and a golden sphere in his left hand. There are rams' heads carved into the stone armrests of the throne. The throne is located in a rugged outdoor space with rocky mountains in the background.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you are the emperor wearing the ceremonial armour and royal crown and sitting on the throne in the rocky place.

If you’re not sure how to do that, just pretend that you’re a commanding royal monarch on a big stone throne. 

Step 4: Journal what you noticed

Open your journal again and jot down your immediate, instinctive responses to these questions. Write down whatever pops into your mind.

  • How does it feel to be the commanding emperor?
  • What kinds of abilities do you have as the emperor?
  • How do you think about your daily life as the emperor?
  • What else do you notice about being the emperor?

Step 5: Amplify the awesome

Now that you have answered those journaling questions, set a timer for 6 minutes. Trust me, it’ll go by really quickly!

  • Free write until the timer goes.
  • Just keep writing without stopping for even a moment! Keep writing anything and the words will come.

I hope you enjoyed this journaling exercise, and that you notice how you can tap into the deep intuition and wisdom that you already have.

You are already more powerful than you realize.

Blessings and empowerment to you.

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