ritual ideas

Creating the Life You Want is like that Lizzo Song

(or that one by Bach, or Billie Eilish, or Bob Dylan, or Screamin’ Jay Hawkins) Remember that time you first heard that song that just GOT to you and everything in you was like, “YES!!!”? That moment was what it’s like when you find a personal, spiritual, emotional and mental practice that is right for […]

Creating the Life You Want is like that Lizzo Song Read More »

How Does the Moon Cycle Affect Us?

Imagine being able to float above the ocean, watching how the moon creates tidal force by its gravitational pull! Of course we can’t actually see that taking place physically. But we can definitely see it around us, in our emotions and how we experience life energetically. After all, humans are primarily made up of water.

How Does the Moon Cycle Affect Us? Read More »

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