This is the next in a series of supportive Tarot spreads (which double as journaling prompts) to help you connect with your chakras!
This one is to help you tap into your Third Eye chakra.
What is the Third Eye chakra?
The Third Eye chakra is all about intuition and perceiving spiritually.
We all have the ability to spiritually perceive, it’s just that many of us weren’t taught how to while growing up. This gentle spread will help you check in with your Third Eye chakra.
If you’re not sure what chakras are, check out the two videos I created here for some chakra basics!
As a Reiki Master, I’ve seen how important it is for us to be fully connected with our physical bodies, and our energy bodies. The affect each other. And learning how to tune into your chakras is a really good way of doing that!
If you enjoy this spread, please share it with others and tag me! I really love to see the spreads in action! I also suggest that you bookmark this for later so you can come back to it anytime you need a Third Eye chakra check-in!
In case you missed the Crown chakra check-up, it’s over here.
You can find lots of other similar, empowering content here.
And you can get your own copy of Chakra Healing Tarot deck right here.
Blessings and empowerment to you.