Tiny Autumn Poems

Bestselling author Beth Kempton regularly hosts tiny poem challenges. The task is to write a poem within ten minutes using the prompt of the day. All words are mine.

GLASS by Malumir R. Logan

Watch the video to view the poem. Poem is also typed out below. Prompt was “glass.”

Tiny autumn poem Glass by Malumir Logan

GLASS by Malumir R. Logan

Rays stream in gleaming tendrils through

Each piece itself but meagre

When shards can form panes towering high

We solder on together

Music in the video is called Haven by Headlund from Epidemic Sound and used with permission via Canva Pro.

CHOICE by Malumir R. Logan

Watch the video to view the poem. Poem is also typed out below. Prompt was “choice.”

Tiny poem choice by Malumir Logan

choice by Malumir R. Logan

eight beasts surround with vicious snarls—

pose terrible predation;

or are they swords plunged into earth

that block the path to freedom?

instead mere posts with ribbons tied

flit fretfully in the wind,

renewing my mind with space to breathe;

the agency to slip between

Music in the video is called The Sun Might Rise in the West by Jakob Ahlbom from Epidemic Sound and used with permission via Canva Pro.

VALLEY ROAD by Malumir R. Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “curve.”

VALLEY ROAD by Malumir R. Logan

Even when the road curves out of sight,

All clarity obscured,

Each broken paint line on the road is straight,

The way directed clear.

FIGURE by Malumir R. Logan

Watch the video to view the poem. Poem is also typed out below. Prompt was “figure.”

Figure ground means we know what we see Because we can compare That which is person to that which is ground We assess so true and fair We lose our way when the question of What is person becomes unclear Ancestral emotions run rampant for all Yet which by Malumir Logan

FIGURE by Malumir R. Logan

Figure ground means we know what we see

Because we can compare

That which is person to that which is ground

We assess so true and fair

We lose our way when the question of

What is person becomes unclear

Ancestral emotions run rampant for all

Yet which canaries are heeded?

The answer is not in bracelets and pearls

Or requests for friendship unearned

Ever more inward to query ourselves

On “what is person” will help reveal it.


Watch the video to view the poem. Poem is also typed out below. Prompt was “movement.”

Tiny autumn poem conversation with lake movement by Malumir Logan


waves roll in

froth peaks, grey valleys

clouds build up

hard mist, stoic towers

rain spills down

free drops, hard landing

fog forms inland

carrying with it the wisdom of this journey

Music in the video is called Porcelain Cloud by Headlund from Epidemic Sound and used with permission via Canva Pro.

EDIT by Malumir R. Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “edit.”

EDIT by Malumir R Logan

From 8000 characters to 4000

Restraint becomes


PERMISSION by Malumir R Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “heat.”

PERMISSION by Malumir R. Logan

The cyclone reels up

Adaptive rage inspires change

Together, allow

JANUARY WAYS by Malumir R Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “mottled.”

JANUARY WAYS by Malumir R. Logan

Chocolate chip cookies, warm and soft

Snow on grass in a January melt

Steep and worthy climb ahead

Together in rest and action

WHITE ORCHID by Malumir R. Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “harbour.”

WHITE ORCHID by Malumir R Logan

lights glimmer and gleam through rolling fog

humidity moved with heavy breeze

peak rises above, never triumphed by

nearby architecture sporting lowered eyes

green and white layered simplicity

carries us across the way while I

wrench to recall the beauty of these spaces

I can never behold again

surge to relay the ancient nature of January

exhorting release of the pearls

ever the canary, none of this is new

time to shore up safe harbour is now

MURMURATION by Malumir R. Logan

Poem is typed out below. Prompt was “flock.”

MURMURATION by Malumir R Logan

Swarming in bright dance

Starlings soar, one entity

Beating hearts formed whole

conscience by Malumir R. Logan

Watch the video to view the poem. Poem is also typed out below. Prompt was “grand.”

conscience by Malumir R Logan

aching canyon yawns in the fading dusk,

myriad stars uncloak overhead.

rusting in a suit of steel, glass and concrete,

he allows the gate back to himself to disintegrate into desert sand

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