Truth or Fiction: Can You Only Be Gifted Your First Tarot Deck?

Let’s answer this question of whether you can only be gifted your first Tarot deck, or if you can buy your own Tarot cards. This question comes up a LOT.

“Don’t you have to be gifted your first Tarot deck?”

Here’s the answer:

NOOOOO you do NOT need to be gifted your first deck!!!

I get it, there’s a lot of mysticism about Tarot, and that’s cool. But Tarot is now, in many places, a readily available product. 

While at one point it may have been more difficult to access a Tarot deck, that is no longer the case in many countries. And now with proliferation of internet access globally, even someone who can’t get a deck can study and learn about Tarot. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t give or receive a gifted Tarot deck, of course!!! Any gift from the heart can be beautiful.

But you don’t have sit around and wait for someone to give you a Tarot deck to get started.

And you’re in perfectly good company too!

If I had waited to be gifted a deck, I wouldn’t have a single one! 

The deck pictured here is Chakra Healing Tarot that I’ve created (and art by the amazing E.C. Mazur). It’s still available for preorder here.

Chakra Healing Tarot created by Malumir R. Logan; art by E.C. Mazur

Already have a deck? Check out all the Tarot spreads I have over here (click and scroll down). Don’t have a deck yet? You can check out these other blog posts to start diving in. And you can read about what the difference is between indie decks like Chakra Healing Tarot, and mass market decks!

Blessings and empowerment to you.

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