About Us

Welcome to this space of spiritual development, intuition, personal growth and intentional self-healing and empowerment.

Here, we know that you’ve come through so much and we believe in you and your ability to heal and connect with your higher self and deep intuition. You may also be here to explore how you can deepen your leadership through conscious alchemy.

What we believe

Here, we believe that:

  • Everyone has the ability to access immense psychological and spiritual resources.
  • Every person can heal spiritual trauma and become personally empowered.
  • We can’t always control what happens, but we can decide how to move forward.
  • In offering clear, practical and genuine guidance to empaths who are want to step into their power.

As we continue with intention through life, we have the opportunity to shift our ways of knowing and understanding, and the choices we make. One of the ways we can do this is by harnessing the power and connectedness of key conscious and spiritual tools.

This also applies to leadership of self and others. Conscious, trauma-informed leaders:

  • Are cognizant of their own emotional needs, experiences, wounds and beliefs, and are courageous in engaging with their whole selves.
  • Consciously learn and inform themselves of the systems in which they, their organizations and their teams exist.
  • Are regularly increasing their awareness of the ways in which systems have supported them.
  • Are consistently learning the ways in which systems have failed to support or have actively disempowered others, while those systems have also propped up those for whom the systems were initially created.
  • Envision a future in which the most othered people are as invested in, supported and championed as the least othered.
  • Take action in ways that are ethical, people-centered (for all people) and aligned with their goals, to achieve a better present and future for themselves, their people and their organizations.

Being openminded and having the courage to brave new waters allows for an evolutionary journey. This journey can see the expansion of previously limiting beliefs and real transformation of our lives – physically, personally, psychologically, professionally, and systemically.

Why this space exists

One of the key reasons this space exists is to support people who are genuinely ready to tap into their intuition and explore how they can be their powerful selves, including folks who may be:

  • Stuck in fear, but wanting to live free of fear.
  • Not feeling remotely powerful, but willing to put in the effort to grow into healed power.
  • Experiencing a specific set of beliefs (which we all have, whether religious or not) but sensing it’s not the whole story and willing to keep an open mind.
  • Not yet tapped into the full suite of spiritual abilities and personal resources available, but willing to explore and learn about them.

Another key reason this space exists is to support current and future leaders to create:

  • Genuinely healthy, collaborative, thriving and psychologically safe teams and organizations

that are, therefore

  • More genuinely resilient, long-term sustainable, respectful and satisfying for all involved

which, in turn, create

  • Better outcomes for individuals, teams, organizations and the clients/communities/society they serve and in which these organizations exist.

Here, we are doggedly determined to grow through our experiences, and learn many fundamental realities, tools, and frameworks along the way. There is lots of content on this blog to help you see in yourself what the Universe and your deeper wisdom already does. You are perfect, you are spiritually capable, you can in fact create change, you can be personally powerful.

What’s next? You might enjoy these blog posts, and you may like to sign up for our weekly emails – they’re light and simple.

And if you like Tarot, you may love the Chakra Healing Tarot or the latest deck, Cat Aura Tarot.

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