how to pull tarot cards: random-draw lenormand style

Series: How To Pull Tarot Cards: Random-Draw Lenormand-Style

For those of you who are newer to Tarot, I’ve created a few posts to share some simple how-tos on pulling Tarot cards. Today I’m sharing the random-draw Lenormand-style spread using three Tarot cards. I’m showing three cards to keep things simple, but there are other Lenormand spreads too.

Before you begin

The following instructions will appear at the start of each Tarot pull 101 how-to:

I always recommend that you do something to get into a focused, intentional state before slinging your cards. Some people take a few breaths, others set up protective energy circle around them, still others say a prayer, and yet others simply state (out loud or silently) their intention to receive wisdom from a place of highest vibration. Do whatever is right for you.

Random-draw Lenormand-style

It’s okay if you don’t know what Lenormand is (it’s another type of card that’s different from Tarot but also used for cartomancy).

What I love about this type of three-card spread is that it gives you a key theme of the answer to your question, and explains how other key pieces of information link to the theme. 

Step 1: You will shuffle your deck first, however you like to shuffle.

Chakra Healing Tarot by Malumir R. Logan

Step 2: Keeping the deck face-down, pull one card and place it face-down. Pull a second card and place it to the LEFT of the first card. Then pull a third card and place it to the RIGHT of the first card. As always, you can pull them off the top of the deck, or you can pull them from anywhere in the deck. Just keep them face-down until you’ve placed them down.

Step 3: And now, turn over the centre card (the first card you pulled). This is the theme – the key piece of information from the Universe for you to think about.

Hermit and 8 of Chalices cards from Chakra Healing Tarot by Malumir R. Logan

Step 4: Then, turn over the card on the left, and notice what the two cards (left and middle) TOGETHER are telling you.

8 of Chalices and 10 of Pentacles cards from Chakra Healing Tarot by Malumir R. Logan (and Hermit card)

Step 5: Then, turn over the last card, and again notice what the middle and right card are telling you TOGETHER.

Hermit and 10 of Pentacles cards from Chakra Healing Tarot by Malumir R. Logan (and 8 of Chalices)

Step 6: Then, look at what the two OUTER (second and third) cards are saying TOGETHER. 

Step 7: It’s always a good idea to then look at the overall message which by this point, will be very clear.

IF YOU TRY THIS: Tag me on Instagram at @chakra.healing.tarot or on Facebook. and let me know what your experience is like with it! Enjoy!!

Deck is Chakra Healing Tarot created by Malumir R. Logan. Art by E.C. Mazur. This deck is available now.

Check out other posts in this series here.

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